Digital Frequency Meter project
- Additional notes (15th May).
- Phase 4 – Connections write-up (10th April).
- Phase 4 – Connections photo (10th April).
- Phase 4 – Prescalar connections wiring diagram (10th April).
- Phase 3 – Populating the prescalar board (14th March).
- Phase 2 – TCXO board photo showing connections to main board (6th March).
- Phase 2 – TCXO board photo showing orientation and location (6th March).
- Phase 2 build notes – TCXO subassembly (5th March).
- Feedback from construction night1 (7th February).
- Phase 1 build notes and circuit diagram.
- A presentation initiating the Digital Frequency Meter club project.
- Nicks demonstration and talk about frequency counters from the 2nd August 2023.